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拔牙术中牙根折断是常见的并发症。在取上颌磨牙断根的过程中,由于牙根与上颌窦底甚近,有时甚至根尖与上颌窦仅为粘膜相隔,因此在临床拔牙术中致牙根误入上颌窦者并非罕见。本文总结了我科在近10年来应用牙槽窝开窗法取上颌窦断根的病例21例,均获得满意效果,报告... Extraction of tooth root fracture is a common complication. In the process of taking the root of the maxillary molars, it is not uncommon for the root of the maxillary sinus to be mistaken for the maxillary sinus in clinical extraction because the root is very close to the maxillary sinus floor and sometimes even the apical and maxillary sinus are only mucosal. This article summarizes our department in the past 10 years, application of alveolar fossa fenestration removed 21 cases of maxillary sinus root obstruction, have obtained satisfactory results, the report ...
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“六一”过后,孩子们还沉浸在欢度节日的兴奋中,班上的常规不好,大家都很浮躁。看着孩子们吵吵闹闹的样子,耳边一直是乱糟糟的声音,我心里很烦,也很 After the “61”, the
分析下颌前移型乳前牙反病因、临床表现特点,制作头帽—颏兜的矫治时机及两种方法. To analyze the anti-etiology, clinical manifestations and the timing of correction o
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有这样一道语言运用题:  阅读下面材料,根据语境在横线上补写恰当的语句。要求:语意连贯,表达得体,不超过20字。  一位年轻的钢琴家受邀到一个城市的音乐中心演出。演出就要开始了,观众却稀稀落落,位子尚坐不满一半,主办单位尴尬不已。   演出开始,钢琴家不疾不徐地走到台前,以充满神秘的口吻说:“哦!我知道,贵市的人一定都很有钱。”大家一头雾水,他接着说:“。”全场愣了愣,紧接着是一阵哄堂大笑。原本尴