日本夏普公司生产了把全自动洗衣机和衣类干燥机的功能结合在一起的洗衣干燥机 Es-X_1。这种新产品是以在职的妇女为主要对象。在职妇女早上匆匆忙忙洗好衣服后,没有时间再把衣物干燥就要上班了。有时希望衣物早点干,常常又会因天气不好不易干燥。Es-X_1全自动洗衣机干燥其全自动洗衣部分的容量为3.6公斤,衣类干燥部分的容量为2.0公斤。这种新产
Sharp Corporation of Japan produced a laundry dryer Es-X_1 that combines the functions of a fully automatic washing machine and a clothing dryer. This new product is mainly targeted at working women. After working women hurriedly washed their clothes in the morning, they did not have time to dry their clothes before going to work. Sometimes it is hoped that the clothes will dry sooner, and often they will not dry easily due to bad weather. The Es-X_1 fully automatic washing machine has a capacity of 3.6 kg for the fully-automatic laundry part and 2.0 kg for the dry part of the clothing. This new production