我一生最怕做官。读大学时,党小组长、支部书记都鼓励我,让我写入党申请,我都——婉言谢绝。怕的是,毕业后有朝一日飞来一顶乌纱帽。我自知不是做官的料,还是避而远之为妙。 可天下的事真怪,你愈想为之,却愈是不能为;愈不想为之,却偏偏能为。前不久,我竟然被逼上梁山,有幸做了一名芝麻绿豆官,管着一百号人。够威风的吧,但我一点也不觉得,我只牢记“为官一任,造福一方”这信条。一上任,就大刀阔斧地干起来,唯才是举,奖罚分明。我还身先士卒,不辞劳苦,为大伙消得人憔悴。功夫不负有
Most afraid of my life as an official. When I was in college, Party leaders and branch secretaries encouraged me and asked me to write down party applications. I declined - politely. Afraid of, one day after graduation, flew a black yarn hat. I knew not to be an official, or to avoid it. What can the world really strange, the more you think about it, but the more can not be; do not want to do so, but why it can be. Not long ago, I was actually forced to Yangsan, fortunate enough to do a sesame mung bean officer, in charge of a hundred people. Granted of prestige, but I do not think that I just keep in mind the credo of “serving an office as a beneficiary.” As soon as he took office, he drastically dried up, only gave the move, rewards and punishments clear. I also take the lead, worked tirelessly, for everyone to get people haggard. Kung Fu did not have it