1 发生的原因1.1 品种抗病性差不同的洋葱品种因遗传因子的不同,而使其抗病性具有明显的差异。生产上应优先选用抗病的洋葱品种,如:卡木依、空知黄、福星、东科苹果洋葱、科士特、大庆黄皮;其次是较抗病的洋葱品种,如:纽约早生、金矿2、3、5号,泉州黄金玉葱。尽量不用不抗病的洋葱品种,如:福佳、5号金状元等。1.2 营养不均衡洋葱生育前期是需氮高峰期,若缺氮则营养体小,鳞茎成熟度低,产量下降;若施氮过多,则导致洋葱组织柔软,增加了病菌的侵染机会。进入鳞茎膨大期,
1 The reasons for the occurrence of 1.1 varieties of different resistance of different onion varieties due to genetic factors, which made its resistance significantly different. The production of disease-resistant onions should be preferred varieties, such as: Kamuyi, empty know yellow, Fuxing, East Branch apple onions, Keshi Te, Daqing Huangpi; followed by more disease-resistant onion varieties, such as: New York early gold Mines 2,3,5, Quanzhou gold jade onion. As far as possible not to resist disease onion varieties, such as: Fu Jia, No. 5 gold champion. 1.2 imbalance of nutrition Prenatal period of nitrogen demand is the peak period, if the nitrogen is small nutrition, the bulb low maturity, yield decline; too much nitrogen, resulting in onion soft tissue, increasing the chances of infection of germs. Into the bulging bulbs,