当今世界,环境保护日益成为人们瞩目的焦点。作为东方明珠的香港,对环保更是不敢掉以轻心。1998年10月26日开工的香港西部铁路在规划时已充分注意到这个问题。 西铁的建设,主要目的在于满足西北部居民对外交通的需求,因此,所设9个车站除棉田外个个处于繁华闹市和住宅密集区。在人口密度居世界前列的香港,不可能再允许修建一条破坏生态环境、产生污染和噪声、占据大量土地的铁路。记者在采访九广铁路公司西铁建造经理彭灏志先生时,他首先强调,西铁是一条电气化铁路,本身将有助于保护环境。西铁建成后“每日可取代相当于2500辆次的巴士,大大减少车辆排出的废气,估计每日可减少超过8吨的空气污染物,有助于改善本港空气的污染情况。”但仅仅
In today’s world, environmental protection has become the focus of attention. As the Pearl of the Orient, Hong Kong, the environment is even more daring to take it lightly. The planning of the western Hong Kong railway started on October 26, 1998 has fully noticed this issue. The main purpose of the construction of the West Rail is to meet the demand of the residents in the northwestern part of the country for external traffic. Therefore, all of the 9 stations in the project are located in busy downtown areas and densely populated areas except for the cotton fields. In Hong Kong, where the world population is at the top of the world, it is impossible to allow the construction of a railway that will destroy the ecological environment, create pollution and noise and occupy a large amount of land. In an interview with Mr. Pang Ho Chih, Manager of West Rail Construction at Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation, the reporter first emphasized that the West Rail is an electrified railway and will itself help to protect the environment. After the completion of the WCR, “a daily replacement of 2,500 buses can significantly reduce the emissions from vehicles. It is estimated that more than 8 tons of air pollutants can be reduced daily, helping to improve the air pollution in Hong Kong.” But only