由于保管不善将洗涤剂与食物混放,孩子出于好奇而误用,饮入洗涤剂后,家庭应该怎样自救呢? 因为洗涤剂的种类繁多,根据饮下的洗涤剂不同,救护方法也有所不同。洗衣粉的主要成分是月桂醇硫酸盐、多聚磷酸钠及荧光剂等,小孩子由于好奇心强,极可能误食洗衣粉。误食洗衣粉后,可出现胸痛、恶心、呕吐、腹泻、吐血和便血,并有口腔和咽喉疼痛。明确是误食洗衣粉后,家庭可采取刺激孩子咽部的办法尽快催吐。催
Due to improper storage of detergents and food mixed with children out of curiosity and misuse, after drinking into the detergent, how should the family self-help? Because of the wide range of detergents, according to different detergent, ambulance methods also have different. The main components of detergent is lauryl sulfate, sodium polyphosphate and fluorescent agents, children due to curiosity, most likely eating detergent. Chest pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, vomiting, blood in the stool and blood in the stool can occur after ingestion of laundry detergent and have mouth and throat pain. Clearly eating the detergent, the family can take to stimulate the child’s throat as soon as possible vomiting. Reminder