一、“二月来信”和“四月来信” 1929年3月,红四军首次入闽,3月14日在长汀长岭寨毙敌旅长郭凤鸣,歼敌2000余人,缴枪千余支,解放了长汀县城。3月20日,红四军前委在长汀召开前委扩大会议,研究形势和红军的行动方针问题,并向福建省委和中央作了书面报告,陈述了决定开辟赣南、闽西革命根据地的方针。4月3日,红四军前委收到了中共中央2月7日给润之、玉阶两同志并转湘赣边特委的信。这封被称为中央“二月来信”的文件,对形势作出了悲观的估计,认为前委“应有计划地有关联地将红军的武装力量分成
I. “February Letter” and “April Letter” In March 1929, the Red Army first entered Minzhu and on March 14, it killed more than 2,000 enemy brigade chief Guo Fengming at the Changling Village of Changting and over a thousand guns Branch, the liberation of Changting County. On March 20, the former Red Army Army held an enlarged meeting in Changting to study the situation and the Red Army’s course of action and made a written report to the Fujian Provincial Party Committee and the Central Government, stating the decision to open up the revolution in southern Jiangxi and western Fujian According to the guidelines. On April 3, the former Red Army Army Party Committee received a letter from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to Run-jen, the comrade of the Jade Order, and the special commission to Hunan and Jiangxi on February 7. This document, known as the “Letter from the Central Government in February,” made a pessimistic assessment of the situation and believed that the former commissioner should "divide the armed forces of the Red Army into groups in a planned and relevant manner