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总结,是对前一阶段工作进行回顾、分析,找出成绩与问题、经验与教训,引出规律性的认识,以指导今后工作的一种事务文书。撰写总结,作为人们认识客观事物、掌握客观事物规律的一种手段,对于人类社会的发展是必不可少的。诚如毛泽东同志所言:“人类总得不断地总结经验,有所发现,有所发明,有所创造,有所前进。”总结的种类较多,但最常用的是工作总结和经验总结。工作总结是专门用来总结工作的,它对本部门、 To sum up, it is to review and analyze the work in the previous stage, to find achievements and problems, experiences and lessons learned, and to bring out regularity and guidance in order to guide future work. Writing summary, as people understand the objective things, to grasp the law of objective things as a means for the development of human society is essential. As Comrade Mao Tse-tung put it, “Human beings always summarize their experience, find something, invent something, create something, and make progress.” There are many kinds of summarization, but the most commonly used ones are the work summary and the experience summary . The work summary is designed to summarize the work, it is the department,