现今的乐坛,乐团层出不穷,人们似乎已经没有从前对 Beyond 乐队的那种疯狂与崇拜了, 不过有实力的乐团始终能在乐坛找到属于自己的位置,最近在台湾崛起的“脱拉库”、“五月天”等大学生乐团就颇受欢迎。今天我们要介绍的这个乐团大家或许很陌生,不过,仔细聆听之后,大家对废五金这个认真的乐团应该会产生共鸣。废五金团员平均年龄22岁,平均乐龄8岁,平均超过1/3的人生都是在玩音乐中度过,很认真地在1992年组成了“废五金”合唱团,很认真地从1992年开始创作属于乐团的
Nowadays, there are many music groups and orchestras. People seem to have no previous craziness and adoration towards Beyond. However, capable orchestras have always found their own place in the music scene. Recently, the rise of Taiwan’s “pull off libraries” and “ Mayday ”and other college students are popular. Today we are going to introduce this orchestra everyone may be unfamiliar, but after listening carefully, everyone on the hardware should be a serious orchestra resonance. The average age of scrap metal members 22 years old, average age 8 years old, an average of more than 1/3 of life is spent playing music, very carefully in 1992 composed of “scrap metal” choir, very seriously from 1992 Beginning of the year belongs to the orchestra