历史风云 悲壮挽歌——毛泽东抗战挽联

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一代伟人毛泽东,学识渊博,擅长诗词楹联。在抗日战争中,他写下了具有深刻意义的挽联,记录了历史风云,讴歌了烈士的功绩,抨击了汉奸卖国贼,指出了抗战必胜的前景,至今读来,感人至深。 1938年3月,延安军民集会,纪念孙中山先生逝世13周年暨追悼抗日阵亡将士。毛泽东撰拟了三副挽联,由郭化若书写,挂在会场两侧。其中一副是: 国共合作的基础为何?孙先生云:共产主义是三民主义的好朋友; 抗日胜利的原因安在?国人皆曰:侵华阵线是和平阵线的死对头。 1938年春,在台儿庄战役中,爱国将领、一二二师师长王铭章守城(滕县)殉国,国民政府在武汉举行公祭大会。毛泽东写的挽联是: 奋战守孤城,视死如归,是革命军人本色; 决心歼强敌,以身殉国,为中华民族争光。 1939年6月12日,湖南发生平江惨案。第二十七集团军杨森部杀害新四军官员。8月1日,延安各界举行隆重追悼会,通电全国强烈抗议。毛泽东撰挽联悼念: A generation of great people Mao Zedong, knowledgeable, good at poetic couplets. In the War of Resistance Against Japan, he wrote a profound elegiac couplet that recorded historical events, sang the merits of the martyrs, attacked the traitors and traitors, and pointed out the prospect of winning a war of resistance. Since his arrival, he has been deeply moved by his reading. March 1938 Yan’an military and civilian assembly, to commemorate the 13th anniversary of the death of Dr. Sun Yat-sen and to commemorate the Japanese anti-Japanese soldiers. Mao Zedong drafted three elegiac couples, written by Guo Hualuo and hung on both sides of the venue. One of them is: What is the basis for the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party? Sun said: Communism is a good friend of the Three Principles of the People. The reason for the victory of the Anti-Japanese War is that all the Chinese people are saying: The invasion of China is the rival of the Front of Peace. In the spring of 1938, in the Battle of Taierzhuang, the patriotic generals, the 122nd Division commander Wang Mingzhang (Tengxian) martyred, and the National Government held a public festival in Wuhan. The elegy drawn up by Mao Zedong is as follows: Fighting to keep the isolated city as if it were his own destiny, is the true character of the revolutionary soldier; determination to annihilate the enemy and sacrifice his life to win glory for the Chinese nation. On June 12, 1939, a tragedy in Pingjiang occurred in Hunan. Twenty-seventh Army Yang Sen Department killed New Fourth Army officials. On August 1, a grand memorial service was held in Yanan from all walks of life and the whole nation strongly protested. Mao Zedong wrote couplets mourning:
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