一、诊断及最近动向单纯疱疹脑炎(HSVE)的临床诊断方法目前分为:①病毒学诊断;②血清学诊断;③神经病理学诊断三种方法。方法①是证明有无单纯疱疹病毒(HSV)或病毒结构成分;②是抗体诊断法,重点是证明在中枢神经系统内部是否产生了抗体。两者都是用于确定病因的诊断方法。方法③主要是以显示或反映多数HSVE 是以颞叶为中心的局灶性脑炎的病理学特征为目的的方法,本质上虽不是病因确定方法,但常可对病因做出某种程度的推测。(一)病毒学的诊断方法从发病早期的敏感度和特异性来看,这种方法是最有希望的。目前,根据检材不同,分为脑活检和用脑脊液的方法。1.脑活检的病毒学诊断
First, the diagnosis and recent trends Herpes simplex encephalitis (HSVE) clinical diagnosis methods are currently divided into: ① virological diagnosis; ② serological diagnosis; ③ neuropathological diagnosis of three methods. Method ① is to prove whether the herpes simplex virus (HSV) or virus structural components; ② antibody diagnosis, the key is to prove that in the central nervous system whether the antibody. Both are diagnostic methods for determining the cause. Method (3) Mainly to display or reflect the majority of HSVE is the temporal lobe as the center of the pathological features of focal encephalitis for the purpose of the method, in essence, although not a method of determining the cause, but often to the cause to some extent Speculated. (A) of the diagnostic methods of virology From the early onset of sensitivity and specificity, this method is the most promising. At present, according to different samples, divided into brain biopsy and cerebrospinal fluid. 1. Brain biopsy virological diagnosis