儿子出生后,我几乎把自己的爱毫无保留地给了他,可儿子的许多表现时常让我失望,我甚至开始怀疑起自己爱的价值来,直到有一天…… 为了改善家庭的经济状况,双休日的下午,我一直在一所民办学校兼职,晚上六点半左右可回到家。 那天上完课后,我像往常一样顺路回娘家看看,见到了久未谋面的舅舅,我于是留了下来。 陪舅舅吃完晚饭,我便急匆匆往家赶。快到家时,却发现丈夫正牵着儿子迎面走来。“成成。”听到我的喊声,儿子撒开腿飞快地向我跑来,一下子扑到我怀里哽咽着说:“妈妈,你终于回来了。”
After my son was born, I almost gave my love to him unreservedly, many of my son’s performance often disappoints me, and I even began to doubt the value of my love until one day ... In order to improve the economic status of the family On the weekends afternoon, I have been part-time at a private school and can be returned home around 6:30 pm That day after class, I went back to my parents, as usual, to see the unmarried uncle, I then stayed. Accompanied uncle to eat dinner, I hurried home to catch. When I arrived home, I found my husband was holding his son on the way. “Into the formation.” Heard my shout, his son spread quickly ran to me, suddenly rushed to my arms choked and said: “Mom, you are finally back.”