Winter high temperature fertilizer is the use of winter leisure season, the human and animal excreta, grits, weeds, straw, ice and other raw materials, according to 60% of the manure, 20% of the griddle, 10% of ice and 10% Mixed trees or weeds stacked up, high-temperature fermentation, create high-quality manure. Raw materials for high temperature fertilizer have different effects. Livestock excrement contains high temperature fiber decomposing bacteria, especially horseradish warming decomposing bacteria, which can quickly promote grid stubborn, decomposing and decomposing stalks. Human urine contains more nitrogen, but also an important breeding material for high-temperature man-made fertilizers to decompose and decompose. Fertilizer mixed with high temperature soil or peat, can absorb a variety of nutrients, which will help keep fertilizer. Lattice in high temperature fertilizer, straw, weeds contain more nitrogen, carbon and plastic