苏北古城盱眙,地处苏皖交界的洪泽湖边。一条古老的淮河牵动着洪泽湖浩瀚的烟波,给这座有着2200多年历史的楚都秦邑、泽国山城,平添了一份钟毓之气。城内有座山,因状若斗笠而得名斗笠山。 相传此山原是一条恶龙,动辄兴风作浪,殃及苍生黎民。有一神仙途经此处,遂抛下斗笠法宝将恶龙镇住,为民除了一害。 神话不是历史。如今,驻守斗笠山上的是武警盱
The ancient city of Su North 盱 眙, is located at the junction of Jiangsu and Anhui Hongze Lake. An ancient Huai River affects the vast Hongze Lake Yanbo, to this has a history of more than 2,200 years of Chu all Qin Yi, Zeguo Mountain City, adding a Zhong Yu gas. The city has a mountain, because of the shape of hats, named after the hats Hill. According to legend, this mountain is a dragon, at every turn, bring disaster to common people Limin. There is a fairy pass here, then cast a hats magic will live in the town of evil dragon, for the people except a harm. Myth is not history. Today, the armed forces stationed in the hill is armed police