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一、千树万树梨花开——“一页纸”的研究背景背景一:当前,社会竞争越来越激烈,进而导致教育上的择校现象也与日俱增。就择校热的背后,是义务教育资源配置的不均衡。于是,各种各样的教辅用书、参考资料、练习乘虚而入,使广大师生深受其害,苦不堪言。正如上海市静安区教育局局长陈宇卿所言:“教学实践中大量不必要的作业量是使学业负担加重的原因之一。”据调查了解,目前大多数教师比较重视课堂教学的改革与创新,却对如何利用作业培养学生的学习能力不够关注。大部分 First, a thousand trees pear tree blossom - “a page ” research background Background 1: At present, social competition is more and more fierce, which led to the phenomenon of school-based education is also growing. Behind the hot school choice is the unbalanced allocation of resources for compulsory education. As a result, a wide range of supplementary teaching, reference materials, practice take advantage of, so that the majority of teachers and students suffer, miserable. As Chen Yuqing, director of the Bureau of Education in Jing’an District, Shanghai, said: “A large number of unnecessary exercises in teaching practice is one of the reasons for the academic burden.” According to the survey, most teachers pay more attention to the reform of classroom teaching Innovation, but how to use homework to develop students’ learning ability is not enough attention. most
东坡词输入了强烈的主观生命意识,显示了他独特的个性风貌。这也是他不同于晏殊、柳永、欧阳修的地方:他在词中充分塑造了属于他的“自我形象”,而这也是最关键的。 Dongpo Ci