Uranium is a radioactive element that people are familiar with. Its weight is very high. It weighs 18.7 tons of uranium per cubic meter (the specific gravity of iron is 7.9 tons / m ~ 3). The uranium element is chemically active and has four valences, Hexavalent two valences, is a pro-oxophilic lithophile element, so its proportion is large, does not sink into the depths of the Earth, the vast majority of “suspended” in the upper crust of the aluminum-silicon layer, in various forms (Simple oxides, complex complexes or polymorphic silicate minerals, etc.) Up to now, more than two hundred species of uranium or uranium minerals have been identified, interspersed with Uranium is a rare and precious metal in the crust of all types of rocks, and metal uranium is easily oxidized in the air and has a slightly higher temperature or even burns. Uranium has never been seen before in nature. metal.