A Multicenter Comparative Clinical Study of Sino-Levonorgestrel-Releasing Implants— No. I and No. II

来源 :Journal of Reproduction and Contraception | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Tianzh
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Objective To compare the efficacy, side effects and acceptability of two Sino-implants with Norplant Methods A randomized, prospective multicenter comparative clinical study was conducted in 10 clinical centers in China. Results Totally 1 001, 1 000 and 998 cases were recruited for Sino-implant No. I, No. II and Norplant, respectively, in 1993. The follow-up rate was 99.8% totally in 5 years. Three and five pregnancies occurred respectively in Sino-implant No. I and No. II group, while no pregnancy occurred in the Norplant group. The cumulative pregnancy rate was 0.4, 0.7 and 0 per 100 women respectively in implant No.I, No. II and Norplant group for five years, meaning that there was no statistical difference. There was no ectopic pregnancy in the three groups. The cumulative discontinuation rates at the end of five years were not significantly different among the three groups, either. Men- strual problems were the main reason for termination. The menstrual blood loss decreased significantly and no serious health problems arose fromimplants use. Conclusion The two Sino-implants provided similar high efficacy and safety to Norplant, therefore, they can be used by women at reproductive age who are from different areas,different of races, educational background and occupation. Objective To compare the efficacy, side effects and acceptability of two Sino-implants with Norplant Methods A randomized, prospective multicenter comparative clinical study was conducted in 10 clinical centers in China. Results Totally 1 001, 1 000 and 998 cases were recruited for Sino- implant No. I, No. II and Norplant, respectively, in 1993. The follow-up rate was 99.8% totally in 5 years. Three and five pregnan are respectively in Sino-implant No. I and No. II group, while no The occurred pregnancy in the Norplant group. The cumulative pregnancy rate was 0.4, 0.7 and 0 per 100 women respectively in implant No. I, No. II and Norplant group for five years, meaning that there was no statistical difference. There was no ectopic pregnancy in the three groups. The cumulative discontinuation rates at the end of five years were not significantly different among the three groups, either. Men- strual problems were the main reason for termination. The menstrual blood loss dec Conclusion of the two Sino-implants provided similar high efficacy and safety to Norplant, therefore, they can be used by women at reproductive age who are from different areas, different of races, educational background and occupation.
“南天一柱”是海南省三亚市天涯海角景点中的一景 ,1980发行的人民币贰元钱背面就是“南天一柱”图案 ,刻于海南岛最南端海滨的一块巨石上。它是清朝宣统元年海南崖州知州范云梯
本试验旨在观察北大维信血脂康的降脂疗效1 临床资料1.1 病例选择本文观察32 例病例为门诊及住院患者以1993 年卫生部药政局颁发的新药中药临床指导原则中高脂血症的诊断标准
患者:女,8岁,因恶心、呕吐、多汗20分钟,于1999年9月6日3 pm来我院就诊。患者之母半小时前用敌敌畏15 ml左右加入少量水,涂抹于患者头上,目的是杀死头皮上的虱及其卵。涂抹
树缠树 西双版纳“树缠树”的奇观到处可见。车在打洛停下 ,我们就见到一棵高大的乔木上 ,紧紧被一种似藤似树的气生树缠绕。尽管被缠的树有的被缠得半死不活 ,而缠树的树或
本院于1999年6月收入1例重度乐果中毒患者。采取了换血疗法,效果满意,现报告如下。1 临床资料 患者王××家住桦川县东方红农场。住院后经常规治疗(包括清除毒物、对疗处理)