Intestinal leishmaniasis intestinal damage is considered secondary infection. This article reports a case of jejunal mucosal leakage of lentigo body, and the literature has not been a similar report. Male patient, 54 years old, Indian. Fever has been in March, with anorexia, weight loss and diarrhea. Have used dapsone because of tuberculosis-like leprosy has been 5 years, but before admission 2wk not medication. Physical examination of liver, splenomegaly, hemoglobin 9.0g / dl, white blood cell count 4000 / mm ~ 2. Normal platelet count, ESR 140mm / head 1h. Total protein 10.2g / dl, since the protein 3.0 / dl, globulin 7.2 / dl. Gastrointestinal endoscopy only mild gastritis and erosive duodenitis. 3 days stool fat examination and D-xylose absorption test showed no malabsorption. For the exclusion of lymphoma or other hematological malignancies for bone wear and jejunum