
来源 :山西体育科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jianyu128
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国民体质监测的目的和重要性:在于全面了解国家国民体质的真实状况。如何确保其监测工作及数据的真实可靠,是国民体质监测工作的一重大课题。现行国民体质监测工作中仍存在一些诸如测定项目与指标的科学性、可取性,器材的先进、可靠性,组织工作与环境对监测工作的影响等亟待解决的问题。至使其直接影响着整个国民体质监测结果的准确性、监测工作分析报告的可信度和对国民体质监测工作的指导等。本人就参与该项工作的具体测定、督导和验收中所发现和注意到的一些问题,特提出一些对国民体质监测工作中存在问题的建议、探讨和商榷意见,试图能使该项工作能得以不断完善和持续发展。 The purpose and importance of the national constitutional monitoring is to fully understand the true state of the national constitution of the country. How to ensure its monitoring work and data is true and reliable, is a major issue of the national constitutional monitoring. There are still some problems to be solved in the current national constitutional monitoring work, such as the scientificity of the measurement items and indicators, the desirability, the advanced and reliable equipment, the impact of the organizational work and the environment on the monitoring work. So that it directly affects the accuracy of the national constitutional monitoring results, monitoring the credibility of the work analysis report and the guidance of the national constitutional monitoring work. I have taken part in the specific measurement of the work, supervision and acceptance of some of the problems discovered and noted, put forward some special recommendations on the problems of national constitutional monitoring work, discuss and discuss the views in an attempt to make this work can be Constantly improve and sustainable development.
目的 研究采用氢氧化钙糊剂配合根管治疗术对牙髓炎患者进行治疗的临床效果.方法 从2019年2月至2020年3月于我院接受治疗的牙髓炎患者中选取62例,按照入院编号的单双数将其分
目的 针对慢性阻塞性肺疾病所致严重呼吸衰竭患者,在治疗中应用有创与无创序贯性机械通气,主要是分析其临床作用.方法 将我院180例慢性阻塞性肺疾病所致严重呼吸衰竭患者(201