始于1989年9月的日美经济结构协调谈判,经历五轮谈判于1990年6月28日结束。日美两国在1990年4月5日和6月28日都发表了本国的《中间报告》和《最终报告》,以表示其对实现双边经济结构协调的立场、态度、措施和步骤。 日方发表的《最终报告》自然是谈判的成果之一;同时又是日本借助外部压力推进本国经济改革的历史性改革方案,因此是考察和研究日本未来经济调整特别是经济体制改革趋向的不可多得的文献。
The five-nation negotiations on economic structure, which began in September 1989, ended in June 28, 1990. Japan and the United States both published their “interim report” and “final report” on April 5 and June 28, 1990, in order to show their position, attitude, measures and steps toward the coordination of bilateral economic structure. The “final report” issued by Japan is, of course, one of the outcomes of the negotiations. At the same time, Japan is a historic reform program that uses Japan’s external pressure to push forward its own economic reform. Therefore, it is not possible to examine and study Japan’s future economic readjustment, especially its reform trend More than literature.