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近年来,银根抽紧,市场疲软,主要原材料供应偏紧,不少企业生产滑坡,经济效益下降。而一个仅400人的上饶市线材厂,通过自己的努力,摆脱困境,取得了明显的经济效益,获得江西省轻工厅的嘉奖。他们主要做法是: 一、注重信息,努力开拓市场。去年,国家对有色金属实行限价,铜材供应严重不足和产品价格等矛盾接踵而来。在困难面前,他们注重信息,掌握市场动态,当机立断,采取对策。全厂实行“以销定产,以产定供,以供定资”的原则,充分发挥各车间、科室的职能作用,落实目标责任制,把供、产、销有机地结合起来。1989年通过不同渠道,先后购入铜材668.32吨,每吨进价平均低于市场价500元,节约资金33.4万元。 In recent years, monetary policy tightened, the market was weak, and the supply of major raw materials was tight. Many enterprises suffered a decline in production and economic efficiency declined. The Shangrao City Wire Factory, a mere 400 people, through its own efforts, emerged from the predicament and achieved significant economic benefits, and was awarded by the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Light Industry. Their main approach is: First, pay attention to information and strive to open up the market. Last year, the state imposed restrictions on non-ferrous metals, and there was a serious shortage of copper supply and product prices. In the face of difficulties, they focus on information, master market dynamics, act decisively, and take countermeasures. The whole plant implements the principle of “distribution by production, supply for production, and supply for capital”, giving full play to the functions of workshops and departments, implementing the target responsibility system, and organically combining supply, production, and sales. In 1989, through different channels, it purchased 668.32 tons of copper materials, and the average price per ton was lower than the market price of 500 yuan, saving 334,000 yuan.
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北国五月,春风送暖,阳光明媚,应老友相邀,记者踏着盎然春机来到巴彦县粮食集团采访。 也许是出于老朋友的缘故吧,记者刚迈进集团总部的大门,竟因客人太多又忙于开会的董事长
1. A gentleman needs but one word.君子一言,驷马难追。2.A promise is a promise.说话算数。 1. A gentleman needs but one word. 2.A promise is a promise.