附录 一、案例 为了帮助教师理解本《标准》倡导的新的教学观念和方法,有效地实施教学,特提供以下案例。 案例1 低年级的造型游戏 造型游戏是指融造型与游戏为一体的美术活动。在这种活动中,不需要事先设定主题或某个形象,主要是凭感觉、联想和想像来进行造型。活动主题是由学生自己根据材料特征或具体情境想出来的。在这种制作行为中,学生获得快乐,创造出丰富多彩的作品,并表达自己的感受。
Appendix I. Cases In order to help teachers understand the new teaching concepts and methods promoted by the “Standard” and effectively implement teaching, the following cases are provided. Case 1 The lower grade modeling game The modeling game is an art activity that integrates modeling and games. In this kind of activity, it is not necessary to set a theme or a certain image in advance. It is mainly based on feeling, imagination and imagination. The theme of the activity is thought out by the students themselves according to material characteristics or specific situations. In this act of production, students are happy, create colorful works, and express their feelings.