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  Aliens are invading[侵略], humans are rounded up and heroes are on the run. Yet this end-of-the-world story becomes a heartfelt[真心真意的] adventure in the animated[动画的] film Home.
  Directed by Tim Johnson (Over the Hedge), the movie (out March 27th, 2015) stars three-time Emmy注winner Jim Parsons as the voice of a purple alien named Oh. Pop singer Rihanna is Oh’s new human friend Tip, and Steve Martin is Captain Smek, leader of the Boov race, who’s trying to find a home for Oh and his fellow Boov after they were run off their own planet.
  Cinematic[电影的] alien invasions[入侵] tend toward the dark, yet Home gave Johnson an opportunity to tell the story from a different point of view.
  “The attitude[态度] the aliens have is that they’re doing us such a great favor and they will be so good for us primitive[原始的] natives,’ says Johnson.
  When Oh and Tip meet, they find they’re both outsiders among their own kind. Oh gets in so much trouble he has to flee[逃跑] his fellow Boov, and 12-year-old Tip is still adjusting[调整] to her new Midwestern home with her mother after growing up in the Caribbean.
  Oh promises to help Tip find her mom since all the adults have been taken to a huge theme park the Boov built called Happy Humans Town. “They’ve studied us and know what we want,” says Johnson.
  They end up with both of them running for their lives, Parsons says. “It really turns into a very odd[古怪的] buddy road movie. She’s hostile[敌意的] toward him and he considers her basically a savage[未开化的], and as they go, they realize they have more and more in common.”
  Even though Oh looks down at humanity[人类] at first, “you don’t pull away[离开]...because Jim is capable of such great warmth,” Johnson says of the Big Bang Theory star. “You root for[支持] this character to really become a human.”
  Home marks Rihanna’s first animated-movie role—and one of just a few acting jobs on her résumé[简历]. However, Johnson found she was pouring her soul out in a recording studio.
  “The microphone[麦克风] has been her partner her whole career,” says the director, who notes that Rihanna easily found the voice of a girl so close to being a teenager.
  “Tip’s had to be very scrappy[爱打架的] and live on her own, so she’s had to be a grown-up. But of course she desperately[拼命地] needs her mom, like every little kid.”
  Martin’s Smek is inspired by some of the sillier James Bond villains[坏人]. Still, the alien leader is “a villain you’re rooting to be converted[使转变] by the end.”   Parsons and Martin had their own unexpected visitor last fall when President Obama took a tour of the DreamWorks animation studio and watched them record a scene.
  With Secret Service[特务机关] folk and others “running all over like really intelligent mice,” Parsons says he found it impossible to say anything with the president around. “All the entertainment business things I’ve done, that felt the most like I had entered a movie myself.”
  The actor did find him cool in every way, though, with Obama being interested in his little Oh.
  “He didn’t seem awkward[尴尬的] at all,” Parsons says. “And I guess that’s good—as the leader, it’s important that you feel pretty at ease[自由自在] with all different types of people and situations.”
Kristen Bell’s dreams of portraying[饰演] a Walt Disney heroine have come true now that she will give voice to the clumsy[笨拙的] but true-hearted Anna in the animated film Frozen.  “Since I was four years
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