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由文化部主办、中国现代戏研究会协办的’95全国戏曲现代戏交流演出,于1995年12月13日至1996年元月18日在北京隆重举行。这次现代戏交流演出,目的在于繁荣现代戏创作,高扬时代主旋律,推出一批优秀现代戏剧目。事前文化部组织了专家,从全国各省市推荐的50多个剧目中,筛选了23台现代戏晋京。中国艺术研究院副院长、交流演出评委会副主任薛若林指出:这是建国以来规模最大,成就最高的现代戏交流演出。在闭幕式上,文化部常务副部长高占祥指出:这次现代戏交流演出,产生了一批有较高思想和艺术性的现代戏,与时代同步,与人民同心;更涌现出一大批优秀的艺术家和出色的中青年演员,是剧目创作与人才培养的大丰 Organized by the Ministry of Culture and co-sponsored by the China Modern Studies Society, the ’95 National Drama Modern Opera Exchange Performance was held in Beijing from December 13, 1995 to January 18, 1996. The performance of this modern drama exchange, the purpose is to flourish the creation of modern drama, highlighting the main theme of the times, the introduction of a number of outstanding modern drama. In advance of the Ministry of Culture organized experts, from the provinces and cities in the country recommended more than 50 repertoire, screening of 23 sets of modern opera Jin. Xue Wulin, vice president of China Academy of Art and deputy director of the exchange performance evaluation committee, pointed out: This is the largest and most accomplished modern show exchange performance ever since the founding of the People’s Republic. At the closing ceremony, Gao Zhanxiang, deputy director of the Ministry of Culture, pointed out: This contemporary theater exchange performance has produced a number of modern operas with high ideological and artistic qualities, which are synchronized with the times and concentric with the people; a large number of outstanding artists are also emerging Young and middle-aged actors, Dafeng is the repertoire creation and personnel training
“质量是温州的生命!”温州市市长陈文宪这样大声疾呼,是在1994年5月该市一次前所未有的万人大会上。那次会议的主题是:质量立市! 两年过去了,温州发生了惊人而又可喜的变化
China National Information and Documentation Standardization Technical Committee(SAC/TC4),founded in 1979,is the national technology standardization organizatio