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欧盟《另类投资基金管理人指令》关于私募基金规制的许多制度值得我国借鉴:一是对包括私募基金在内的所有另类投资产品予以规制的共同制度,这主要包括基金管理人的资格规定、基金管理人的销售行为规制以及相互认证销售的欧盟“相互认证制度”、营业行为规制制度、对代理和托管的规制、信息披露规制以及对杠杆行为的规制;二是对私募基金的特别规制制度,这主要包括报告股份比例、报告控股权事实、披露获取控股权的信息、在年度报告中披露实施控制权的信息以及对损害行为的规制等。 The EU’s “Alternative Investment Fund Manager” Directive on the regulation of private equity funds many of the systems we should learn from: First, including private equity funds, including all alternative investment products to regulate the common system, which include the fund manager’s eligibility requirements, the Fund Management of the sales behavior of the mutual certification and sales and certification of the European Union “mutual authentication system ”, business rules of conduct system, the agency and custody regulation, information disclosure regulation and regulation of leverage; second is the special regulation of private equity funds System, which mainly includes reporting the proportion of shares, reporting the controlling shareholder’s facts, disclosing the information on acquiring the controlling shareholder, disclosing the information on controlling rights in the annual report and regulating the damage behaviors.
读者问:  我阿姨生前一直由我照顾,阿姨曾当着她的两个儿子的面立下遗嘱,写明她百年后依国家政策所得的抚恤金全部由我这个外甥女继承。前不久,阿姨因病去世,其原供职单位提供的万元抚恤金却被其儿子领走。我能否根据遗嘱得到这笔抚恤金?  律师解答:  你阿姨的遗嘱是一份自书遗嘱,只要有遗嘱人亲笔书写的遗嘱内容,订立遗嘱的具体时间、地点、遗嘱人的亲笔签名,一般来说即符合遗嘱的形式要件。  不过,根据我国现行