莴荀(Lactucasativa Lvar,angustatalrish),玻璃生菜(Lactucasativa Lvar.cripahort)及生菜(Lactucasativa Lvar.romana Hort)均是菊科植物莴苣属,生菜的叶及莴荀肉茎是常吃的蔬菜,都含有丰富的维生素(VB_1、VB_2、VC、VD、VE、VU、胡萝卜素等),也是很早的中药,最近报导莴苣有防癌作用,作者曾在动物实验中发现静脉注射生菜子(莴苣子)注射液有强大的降低血压作用,而且维持时间较长,又经过临床证明治疗高血压病有较好的疗效
Lactuca sativa Lvar (angustatalrish), glass lettuce (Lactuca sativa Lvar. crispa Hort) and lettuce (Lactuca sativa Lvar. Romana Hort) are all genus of the genus Lactuca, which is a commonly eaten vegetable and contains lettuce leaves and lettuce stalks. Rich in vitamins (VB_1, VB_2, VC, VD, VE, VU, carotene, etc.), also very early Chinese medicine, recently reported that lettuce has anti-cancer effect, the author had found in the animal experiments intravenous injection of lettuce (lettuce) Injection has a powerful effect in lowering blood pressure, and it lasts for a long time. It has also been clinically proven to be effective in the treatment of hypertension.