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塔里木盆地的新构造运动强烈,对盆地的构造变形和油气成藏产生了重要的影响。从断层、褶皱及钻井诱导缝3方面分析研究区在新构造运动时期不同区块的最大主应力方向,进而预测盆地的应力场方向。塔北地区、柯坪断隆和塔西南地区主要受挤压应力作用,形成排状分布的断层及褶皱,向盆地方向断层及褶皱的形成时期逐渐变新,应力作用逐渐减弱;巴楚隆起和麦盖提斜坡的断层走向相近,呈排状分布;塔东南地区主要受走滑和挤压的共同作用,断裂与构造带平行分布;塔中地区以走滑、挤压作用为主,扭应力使该区发育较对称的褶皱,形成现今的构造形态。塔北地区、柯坪断隆和塔东南地区最大主应力方向主要为北西—北北西向,塔西南地区和巴楚隆起—麦盖提斜坡最大主应力方向为北东—南西向;而塔中地区最大主应力方向为北东东—北东向。从盆地新构造运动各时期发育的断裂、褶皱及主应力方向分布特点可以看出,其主应力方向在时间和空间上存在一定的继承性。预测塔里木盆地台盆区区域应力主要来自天山中西段及西昆仑山,呈“S”型分布,具有一定的压扭性。 The Neotectonic movement in the Tarim Basin is intense and has an important impact on tectonic deformation and hydrocarbon accumulation in the basin. The direction of the maximum principal stress of different blocks in the study area during the Neotectonic movement is analyzed from the faults, folds and drilling induced joints 3, and then the stress field direction of the basin is predicted. The Tabei area, Keping uplift and the southwestern Tarim basin are mainly affected by compressive stress, forming fault-like faults and folds that gradually change to new directions during the formation of fault and fold in the basin, and the stress action gradually weakened. The Bachu uplift and The faults in the Maigaiti slope are similar and are arranged in rows. The southeastern part of Tarim Basin is mainly affected by the strike slip and extrusion. The faults and structural zones are distributed in parallel. The strike-slip and squeeze forces in the central Tazhong area are mainly torsional stress So that the development of the area more symmetrical folds, the formation of today’s structural morphology. In Tabei area, the direction of maximum principal stress in the Keping uplift and southeastern part of the Tarim Basin is mainly northwest-north-northwest direction, and the direction of maximum principal stress in the southwestern Tarim Basin-Bengu uplift-Maigaiti slope is north-east-southwest direction. The direction of the largest principal stress in the area is North-East-North-East. It can be seen from the distribution of faults, folds and principal stress directions in the neotectonic movement of the basin that the direction of principal stress has some succession in time and space. It is predicted that the regional stress in the basin basin of the Tarim Basin mainly comes from the western and western parts of the Tianshan Mountains and the western Kunlun Mountains, and is distributed in a “S” shape with a certain degree of compressive and torsional stress.
<正> 瘀血学说是祖国医药学的重要遗产之一,它是我国劳动人民在长期与疾病作斗争过程中逐渐形成和发展起来的。当前,活血化瘀疗法被广泛应用于临床各科,并取得了可喜的疗效,
目的:探讨板蓝根饮片水煎液、板蓝根颗粒及其所含靛蓝、靛玉红对小鼠肾组织有机阳离子转运体中的2个主要亚型(Octs, Oct1、Oct2)及肝脏/小肠中与首过效应相关联的2种细胞色素
1病例资料患者,男性,52岁,因“头晕4 d,胸闷2 d”于2018年7月11日入院。入院诊断为:2型糖尿病。现症见:口干多饮,夜尿0~1次/晚,头晕、胸闷不适。稍感目矇,无明显肢体麻木。精
近日,哈工大材料科学与工程学院于杰教授及其课题组2014级博士生曾杰在石墨烯材料生长技术取得重大进展,研究成果发表于国际著名材料期刊《先进材料》(Advanced Materials)(影响因