在 1 90 7~ 1 90 8年 ,Marin用羊、猪、狗、牛复制了饲以低碘饲料所致的动物模型[1 ] 。阐明了碘和甲状腺肿的关系 ,证实碘缺乏可造成甲状腺的胶样肿和增殖。此后 ,有人分别用大鼠、鸡、小鼠、兔复制了低碘动物模型。动物模型的重要性取决于它和人类罹患疾病条件的相关性
From 1990 to 1988, Marin copied animal models of low-iodine diets using sheep, pigs, dogs, and cattle [1]. Clarified the relationship between iodine and goiter, confirmed that iodine deficiency can cause thyroid gum swelling and proliferation. Since then, some people have been using low-iodine animal models of rats, chickens, mice, rabbits. The importance of the animal model depends on its relevance to the condition of the human being suffering from the disease