俄罗斯的PDW 5R-2M微型冲锋枪

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作为曾研制出AK47突击步枪的世界级轻武器大国,俄罗斯自然不甘在单兵自卫武器这一新领域落后于西方,研制出性能优异同时又符合国情的同类武器就成为俄军工部门的当务之急。承担这一任务的是著名的中央精密机械科学院。研制一种新枪,首先要解决的问题是确定选用何种口径,何种枪弹。类似P90或MP7A1所用的那种偏向于步枪弹的高速小口径新弹固然性能出众,但其缺点是在换装价格不菲的新枪的同时,必须要换用配套的新弹药。对此俄国人自有解决办法,他们开创了一条不同于西方设计理念的独特道路。 As a world-class small arms superpower with AK47 assault rifles, Russia naturally is unwilling to lag behind the West in the new field of self-defense and self-defense. It has become imperative for the Russian military sector to develop similar weapons that are both excellent in performance and in line with national conditions. To undertake this task is the famous Central Institute of Precision Machinery. Development of a new gun, the first problem to be solved is to determine the choice of what caliber, what kind of bullets. Similar to the P90 or MP7A1, those high-speed, small-caliber new-style rifle missiles are superior in performance, but they have the disadvantage of having to replace the expensive new gun with a new one. In this regard, the Russians have their own solutions and they have created a unique path different from that of Western design.