我国现行《公路沥青混凝土路面施工技术规范》(JTG F 40-2004)给出了很宽的沥青混合料级配范围,对于特定工程,需要根据公路等级、气候和交通条件、原材料特性确定工程设计级配范围,本文对于特定原材料,以GTM为成型方式,在较大范围内对级配进行研究,寻求GTM成型方式下以路用性能最佳为判据,同时能够控制施工质量的较窄的工程设计级配范围,以指导工程实践。
The current “Code for Construction Technology of Highway Asphalt Pavements” (JTG F 40-2004) gives a wide range of gradation of asphalt mixture. For a specific project, it is necessary to determine the engineering design according to the grade of the highway, climate and traffic conditions, and the characteristics of the raw materials Grading range, this article for a specific raw material, GTM as the molding method, the grading in a wide range of research to find GTM molding mode to the best road performance as the criterion, at the same time be able to control the construction quality of the narrower Engineering design grading range to guide engineering practice.