桔梗为多年生草本植物,喜温和凉爽气候,也较耐寒,以根入药,味苦辛性微温、功能宣肺化痰、清咽开音、排脓止咳。桔梗除药用外,还是一种优质的保健蔬菜,其嫩叶、茎、根、质地鲜嫩,营养价值极高,味道鲜美,口感好,医疗保健效果极佳,越来越被人们所喜食。桔梗是医用、食用多用途作物,经济效益可观,所以要大力开展人工栽培生产,来满足人们对其不断增长的需求。现将桔梗栽培生产技术介绍如下: 一、整地施基肥: 桔梗是深根作物、应种植在土层深厚、疏松、肥沃,排水良好的砂性土壤或富含腐殖质的土壤,深翻细耙后,每亩施堆肥2500公斤,过磷酸钙
Campanulaceae is a perennial herb, like a mild and cool climate, but also more cold, root medicine, bitter apathetic temperature, function Xuanfei phlegm, qing yan open sound, purulent cough. Campanulaceae in addition to medicinal, or a high-quality health care vegetables, young leaves, stems and roots, fresh texture, high nutritional value, delicious, good taste, excellent health care, more and more people are eager to eat . Campanulaceae is a medical and edible multi-purpose crop with considerable economic benefits. Therefore, it is necessary to vigorously carry out artificial cultivation and production to meet people’s growing needs. Now Campanulaceae cultivation techniques are as follows: First, the preparation of base fertilizer: Campanulaceae is a deep root crop should be planted in the soil deep, loose, fertile, well drained sandy soil or humus-rich soil, deep after fine rake , 2500 kg of composting fertilizer per acre, superphosphate