坚持群众路线 凝聚发展正能量 吉林市教育局四大举措推进发展

来源 :青年教师 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangchao1011
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2014上半年,我市深化教育改革,努力推进教育事业科学健康发展,教育质量有所提高、教育均衡发展有所推进、教育惠民政策不断得到落实、教育正能量得到了弘扬。全市城区小学升初中免试就近入学工作稳步推进。根据保证就学、免试免费、相对就近、阳光公开、属地实施、空余派位、多校划片、邻区互补、统筹安排原则,认真征求社会各界意见,拟定小升初“阳光入学”方案。深入各城区初中学校学区进行实地踏查,科学划分各初中学区,结合学校实际确定招生上限,明确城区小学毕业生家庭住址登记认定办法。开发研制了“小升初 In the first half of 2014, the municipality deepened its education reform, worked hard to promote the healthy development of science in education, improved the quality of education, promoted the balanced development of education, continuously implemented the policy of benefiting the people by education, and proclaimed the positive energy of education. The city’s urban primary school junior high school entrance examination near the entrance to work steadily. According to the guarantee of education, free trial free, relatively close, the sun is open, the implementation of the ground, the vacant place, multiple school and film, neighborhood complementarity, co-ordination arrangements for the principle of conscientiously solicit the views of all sectors of society, the development of Xiao Sheng ”Sunshine " program. In-depth study of urban junior high school school district, scientifically divided the junior high school district, combined with the school to determine the actual enrollment ceiling, a clear urban primary school home address registration confirmation. Developed a small rise early
本研究是在路易斯安那州北部3个正常采伐后的火炬松成熟林中;设样测定林分下层硬阔叶树和火炬松剩余物生物量干重、养分含量。估计采伐后林分中约有52t/ha 的下层硬阔、22t/h
设计出评价女子篮球专修学生水平的测验指标与方法,制定了各指标评分表,并确定了综合评定学生达到“一级水平”的具体分值. Designing test indexes and methods for evalua
阐明进口采煤机与国产采煤机在机械方面存在的差异和国产采煤机易发故障点。 Clarify the differences in mechanical aspects between imported shearer and domestic shea