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政法委作为党委领导管理政法工作的职能部门,对政法部门执法活动进行督促检查,是政法委领导管理政法工作的重要形式,是政法委开展执法监督工作的重要内容,是促进政法干警严格规范公正廉洁文明执法的重要手段。在新形势下加强和改进执法监督工作的各项制度,并在实践中积极探索创新,对于提高党委督促检查工作科学化水平,确保党的路线方针政策和党委重大决策部署全面贯彻执行,保障宪法和法律在政法各部门得到正确实施,保障政法委对执法工作实行有效领导,具有十分重要的意义。 Politics and Law Committee as the party committee leading the management of political and legal work functions of law enforcement departments to supervise and prosecute, is an important form of political and legal leadership to manage political and legal work is the law enforcement commission to carry out supervision and management of the important content is to promote political and legal police strictly regulate fair A Clean and Civilized Law Enforcement of an Important Means. Strengthen and improve the system of law enforcement and supervision in the new situation and actively explore and innovate in practice. It is of great significance in raising the scientific level of the party committees in supervising the inspection work, ensuring that the party’s line, principles, and policies and the major decision-making arrangements for the party committees are fully implemented and that the constitution is guaranteed It is of great significance for the law and the law to be correctly implemented in all the departments of politics and law and for the effective leadership of the political science and law commission in law enforcement work.