
来源 :大众投资指南 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boyanfang
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随着社会的发展和时代的进步,我国的能源问题不断的显现,于是国家对能源的政策和策略就不断的进行调整和改善,有关新型能源政策的出台越来越频繁。如今我国的电力施工企业之间的竞争力不断的上升,我们必须加强电力企业的成本管理,绩效考核是电力施工企业管理当中重要的组成部分之一,我们不得不对其进行深入的研究。本文将以国有电力企业为例,对电力施工企业在绩效考核方面遇到的问题进行分析,在了解问题的基础之上提出了具体的解决思路和改进措施。希望本文提出的观点能够增强电力施工企业的行业竞争力,并不断的促进电力施工企业向前发展。 With the development of society and the progress of the times, the energy issue in our country has been constantly exposed. As a result, the state has continuously adjusted and improved its policies and strategies on energy. The introduction of new energy policies has become more frequent. Nowadays, the competitiveness of power construction enterprises in our country keeps on rising. We must strengthen the cost management of power enterprises. Performance evaluation is one of the most important components in the management of power construction enterprises. We have to conduct in-depth research on them. This paper will take the state-owned power enterprises as an example to analyze the problems encountered by the electric power construction enterprises in the performance appraisal. Based on the understanding of the problems, this article puts forward specific solutions and improvements. Hope that the views put forward in this paper can enhance the competitiveness of power construction enterprises in the industry and continue to promote the power construction enterprises to move forward.
平均年薪6万元  在青岛,年薪10万招建筑工,难。对很多90后来说,这种活儿给钱再多也是太累,还没面子。据了解,青岛工地上的建筑工八成是外地中年人,一线工种平均年薪6万元,且休息少、强度大,90后不愿入这行。  管理者不到5万人  青岛市建委有数据显示,目前青岛约有20万建筑从业人员,其中管理人员不到5万人,不到20%的省內工人大多来自菏泽等鲁西南地区。  现在挣7000元  近日,某招聘网发布数
一是转变按职行事观念。就是只管自己职责范围内的事,其它不过问与研究,这种单纯的思维方式不适应现代要求。企业工作是有机整体,相互联系渗透,仅 First, change the concep
一、统一思想、提高认识,是做好转岗分流工作的前提  在化解过剩产能中想做好职工转岗分流工作,统一思想、提高认识是做好转岗分流工作的首要前提,想要做到真正的做好转岗分流工作,就要真正的领会国家供给侧结构性改革的真正精髓所在,企业应指示专门人员外出学习,将国家的改革精神真正的带回企业。转岗分流工作是煤炭企业在自我改革、自我创新、自我提升的重大举措,是煤炭企业在企业发展中的重大尝试,是对企业各级领导干部
We collected relevant data from 2010 to 2012,and constructed China-world’s top 500 enterprises supernetwork model(Fig.1a).We assumed that the first layer nodes
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