患者 ,男 ,80岁。主因发热、咳嗽 3d于 2 0 0 0年 2月 1日入院。入院时血常规示白细胞 4.0× 10 9 L ,红细胞 2 2 .5× 10 1 2 L ,血红蛋白 82g L ,血小板 63× 10 9 L。胸片示双肺感染。经骨穿及骨髓活检确诊为再生障碍性贫血 (再障 ) ,予以康力龙 2mg每日 3次 ,环孢
Patient, male, 80 years old. Mainly due to fever, cough 3d admitted to hospital on February 1, 2000. At the time of admission, blood showed white blood cells 4.0 × 10 9 L, red blood cells 2 2 × 5 × 10 12 L, hemoglobin 82 g L, and platelets 63 × 10 9 L. Chest radiographs showed double lung infections. Bone puncture and bone marrow biopsy diagnosed as aplastic anemia (Aplastic anemia), given stanozolol 2 mg 3 times daily, cyclosporine