患者男性,81岁,因上消化道钡餐透视怀疑胃癌,行纤维胃镜检查术。患者既往有高血压病史5年,术前测血压135/85 mmHg。查血常规、肝功能、生化,结果均正常。心电图示:窦性心律,左室肥大。口服利多卡因胶浆局麻后,行纤维胃镜检查,手术顺利,术中无明显不良反应,退出胃镜后约1min,患者突然意识丧失,四肢抽搐。测血压60/45 mm Hg,心律28次/min,律不齐。心电图示:窦性+室性逸搏心律,ST—T显著改变。考虑阿-斯综合征。立即给阿托品1mg静推,吸氧等一系列抢救。患者神志转清,血压正常,收住病房治疗。
Male, 81 years old, suspected of stomach cancer due to upper gastrointestinal barium meal fluoroscopy, and gastroscopy. The patient had a history of hypertension for 5 years, and preoperative blood pressure was 135/85 mmHg. Check blood, liver function, biochemistry, the results were normal. ECG shows: sinus rhythm, left ventricular hypertrophy. Oral lidocaine mortar local anesthesia, fiberoptic endoscopy, the operation was smooth, no significant intraoperative adverse reactions, about 1min after exiting the gastroscope, the patient suddenly lost consciousness, limbs and convulsions. Blood pressure 60/45 mm Hg, heart rate 28 beats / min, irregularities. ECG shows: sinus + ventricular escape rhythm, ST-T significantly changed. Consider As-Syndrome. Atropine immediately 1mg static push, oxygen and a series of rescue. Patients consciousness clear, normal blood pressure, admitted to ward treatment.