生于1997年的天才少女如今微博已经拥有10万粉丝,拍过的照片上过VOGUE,掌镜《伊周》。她作品下的女性拥有梦幻的独特气质。在“年少成名”、“网红”、“天才少女”这些标签后,我们看到的是一个灵气逼人又特立独行的20岁女孩。她与《悲惨世界》里的女孩同名,后者是那个黑暗年代唯一灿烂绽放的玫瑰,而Eponine Huang则执着于在纷繁乱世中留下一抹干净的少女芬芳。与沉迷于不修图不发朋友圈的同
Talented girl born in 1997, microblogging now has 100,000 fans, photographed on VOGUE, Zhang Fu “Iraq week.” Women under her work have a unique and fantastic style. After the labels such as Young Fame, Red Net, and Genius Girly, we see a 20-year-old girl who is exasperating and maverick. She has the same name as a girl in Les Miserables, the only bright rose in the Dark Ages, while Eponine Huang is clinging to the fragrance of a clean young girl in a chaotic world. And addicted to not repairing plans not to send friends circle