Induction and Molecule Detection of Ginseng Hairy Roots

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qazaq1313
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[Objective]The research aimed to study the induction and molecule detection of Ginseng Hairy roots. [Method] The three-year-old Ginseng roots explants were infected by Agrobacterium rhizogenes A4. Ginseng hairy roots were induced in hormone free MS-culture medium, then detected in molecular level to prove that the rol B gene and rol C gene had been integrated into the Ginseng genome. [Result] The results showed that Ginseng hairy roots were selected, and the secondary culture of Ginseng hairy roots were obtained successfully in fluid medium and solid medium. The rol B gene and rol C gene had been integrated into the Ginseng genome. Comparing with the published genomic sequence of Agobacterium rhizgenses with Ri-plasmid, there was 99% amino acid identities between them. [Conclusion] The molecular mechanism of getting Ginseng hairy roots is that rol B gene and rol C gene have been integrated into the Ginseng genome. [Objective] The research aimed to study the induction and molecule detection of Ginseng Hairy roots. [Method] The three-year-old Ginseng roots explants were infected by Agrobacterium rhizogenes A4. Ginseng hairy roots were induced in hormone free MS-culture medium, then detected in molecular level to prove that the rol B gene and rol C gene had been integrated into the Ginseng genome. [Result] The results showed that Ginseng hairy roots were selected, and the secondary culture of Ginseng hairy roots were obtained successfully in fluid Medium and solid medium. The rol B gene and rol C gene had been integrated into the Ginseng genome. Comparing with the published genomic sequence of Agobacterium rhizgenses with Ri-plasmid, there was 99% amino acid identities between them. mechanism of getting Ginseng hairy roots is that rol B gene and rol C gene have been integrated into the Ginseng genome.
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