安乃近引起皮肤过敏及球后视神经炎,国内文献尚未见报道,笔者遇到1例,特报告如下。张××男 41岁农民浙江永加人口服及肌注安乃近后,双眼视力骤降,已二天。1981年6月4日来我院就诊。既往有关节炎病史10余年,时好时发,口服安乃近后症状缓解。一周前,四肢关节酸痛,行走困难。当地医生给予肌注安乃近0.5g,共2次,疼痛减轻。3天后,上述症状又发,且伴有畏寒发热,又肌注安乃近0.5g,热即消退,后改口服安乃近每次1g,共3次。次日下午3时许,患者全身出现皮疹,奇痒,伴有头痛。继而双眼视物不清,眼眶深部刺痛。当地医生给予口服强的松及扑尔敏药片,2天后转来我院眼科治疗。
Analgin caused skin allergies and retrobulbar neuritis, the domestic literature has not been reported, I encountered 1 case, special report is as follows. Zhang × × Male 41-year-old farmer Zhejiang Yongjia oral and intramuscular anal security, eyesight plummeted, has two days. June 4, 1981 came to our hospital. Previous history of arthritis more than 10 years, when the time is good, the symptoms after oral administration of amphetamine ease. A week ago, the joints were sore and had difficulty walking. Local doctors give intramuscular anal niche 0.5g, a total of 2 times, reduce pain. 3 days later, the above symptoms were sent, and accompanied by chills and fever, and intramuscular injection of Arnold 0.5g, that is, subsided heat, after oral administration of amphetamines every 1g, a total of 3 times. The next day at 3 pm, patients with systemic rash, itching, accompanied by headache. Then eyes blurred vision, deep sore eyes. Local doctors given oral prednisone and chlorpheniramine tablets, 2 days later transferred to our hospital ophthalmic treatment.