Coming Up to Speed

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At a seminar on the operation of state - o wned enterpr is e s (SOEs) in Sept e m b e r , Shao Ning, Vice Chairman of the St a te - o wned Assets Supervision and Administrati o n Commission of the State Council (SASAC), China’s top watc hd o g of state - o wned assets, suggests that the top prio r it y for SOE ref or m is to introduce more outside inves t o r s and ma k e more effor t in realizing own e r ship diver si f ic a tion. Shao sh a r es his unique insight into China’s future ref or m on state - owned assets in an intervi e w with The 21st Century Business Herald , one of China’s leading business newspapers. Excerpts of the intervi e w follow. At a seminar on the operation of state - o wned enterpr is es (SOEs) in Sept ember , Shao Ning, Vice Chairman of the St a te - o wned Assets Supervision and Administrati on Commission of the State Council (SASAC), China’s top Watc hd og of state - o wned assets, suggests that the top prio r it y for SOE ref or m is to introduce more outside inves tors and ma ke more effor t in realizing own er ship diver si f ic a tion. Shao sh Ar es his unique insight into China’s future ref or m on state - owned assets in an intervi ew with The 21st Century Business Herald, one of China’s leading business newspapers. Excerpts of the intervi ew follow.
嘿!朋友们,你们肯定吃过面条,但要说做面条,可能就没几个会的吧!上周六,我在爸爸的指导下做了一次面条。先是和面,很有意思,就像玩一样,关键是把握好面和水的比例。不过 Hey
我丢了几块橡皮。想个什么办法不丢橡皮呢?我拿来针,在橡皮上钻了一个洞,用一根线穿过洞,再在铅笔盒上打个结,我的“小杰作”完成了。  同学们看了,都学着做。现在,教室里谁也不怕丢橡皮了。
书香小课,就是每天用20分钟的固定时间,让古今中外优秀的语言作品浸润学生幼小的心灵,用涉及各领域的书籍引领学生开阔眼界,让学生在对各种不同语言风格作品的阅读中感受语言,使学生在与书卷的对话中,激发阅读兴趣,养成阅读习惯。  一、“零”存“整”取,合理设置课时  1.短课时契合儿童的注意心理  心理学研究成果表明,不同年龄的孩子,注意力持续的时间各不相同。婴儿时期以无意注意为主,小学低年级的学生无意
你知道在“5·12”四川汶川大地震中年龄最小的“抗震救灾英雄少年”是谁吗?你知道他的英雄事迹吗?我给你讲一个故事,题目叫—— Do you know who is the youngest “Earth