“亲爱的宋黎:想不到昨日(笔者注:1982年4月10日)收到你从华盛顿希尔顿大酒店寄来的信,告诉我你为签署加州奥克兰市同大连市结为友好城市的协议来到美国。并谢谢你送我织锦缎。”这是与宋黎阔别46年后,海伦·斯诺写给宋黎5000字长信的开头语。 海伦·斯诺(全名海伦·福斯特·斯诺,笔名尼姆·威尔斯)是中国人民的老朋友,美国著名女记者、作家和社会活动家。她于1907年9月21日出生在美国犹
“Dear Song Li: I do not think yesterday (I note: April 10, 1982) received a letter from Washington Hilton, and told me that you have signed an agreement to form a sister city between Auckland, California and Dalian. To the United States, and thank you for sending me the brocade. ”This is the opening words that Helen Snow wrote to the Songlei 5000 word letter after 46 years of absence from Song Li. Helen Snow (full name Helen Foster Snow, pen name Nim Wells) is an old friend of the Chinese people, a famous American woman reporter, writer and social activist. She was born in Utah on September 21, 1907