The notion of “human science” has long enticed Western thinkers. Every breakthrough in the natural sciences has been used to corroborate that philosophy has been replaced by the natural sciences. Natural scientists often tire of philosophers and writers for failing to agree. They have made an unfair comparison of this inconsistency with the consensus and steady progress of the hallmarks of the empirical creed of the natural sciences. Some recent research achievements in the field of brain function and in evolutionary biology are also considered in this sense to replace the part of philosophy. However, it would not make any sense for Steve Pinkh to use his natural science credo to solve political and social problems. For political and social issues, Pink and his allies can not provide any concrete, practical advice. They mistakenly believe that we need the theory of human nature as the principle to solve political and social problems. However, this is not the case. The political and social indicators can only emerge from the study of human history rather than biology. The spirit of Western philosophy is that the theory of human nature should be replaced by a study of history. The theory of non-historical human nature, whether philosophical or biological, is not worthy of our serious consideration.