2014年8月,米其林卡客轮胎产品线在中国重磅推出韧其行系列12R22.5 X Multi Z轮胎产品,主要面向区域性运输行业客户,同时上市的产品还包括295/80R22.5规格。此次推出的新产品是米其林为货运运输量身订做的安全长里程轮胎,进一步优化了产品的使用性能,帮助用户在保证安全性的前提下不断提高运营效率,强化综合竞争力。12R22.5已经是当下货运物流市场中
In August 2014, the Michelin Card Passenger Tire Product Line introduced heavyweight 12R22.5 X Multi Z tire products in China, mainly for regional transport customers. The products listed at the same time also include the 295 / 80R22.5 specifications. The launch of this new product is Michelin’s tailor-made safety long-distance tires for freight transport, further optimizing the product’s performance and helping users to continuously improve operational efficiency and enhance overall competitiveness on the premise of ensuring safety. 12R22.5 is already the current freight logistics market