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文章着重讨论了改善和提高高原用发动机的性能问题,认为在当前情况下,除了积极推广高原发动机涡轮增压技术外,采用机械增压、利用进气系统动力效应、使用含氧燃料等,都是提高非增压发动机动力性能时值得考虑的措施. 在改善和提高涡轮增压柴油机性能方面,目前应改善脉冲增压系统、使用脉冲转换器、选择低速配合设计方案、采用复合增压等,以便提高发动机的低速性能;推广中冷技术、使用液力风扇离合器、采用启动加浓及进气加热等措施,以便降低发动机的热负荷;改善发动机的起动性能;综合提高发动机的性能.另外,文章认为可变压缩比及增压补燃发动机更适合于高原的特点,是值得研究的机型. 对于汽油机来说,除了上述的某些共同性问题外,还应注意研究化油器的改进与增压压力的控制、爆燃及点火系统的性能等问题. The article focuses on the improvement and improvement of the performance of the engines used in the plateau. It is considered that in the current circumstances, in addition to actively promote the turbocharging of plateau engines, mechanical boosting, the use of intake system dynamic effects, the use of oxygenated fuels and the like Is to improve the performance of non-supercharged engine worth considering measures.In improving and improving the performance of turbocharged diesel engine, pulse pressurization system should be improved at present, the use of pulse converter, the choice of low-speed with the design, the use of complex booster, In order to improve the low-speed performance of the engine; the promotion of cold technology, the use of hydraulic fan clutch, start enrichment and intake heating and other measures in order to reduce the engine’s thermal load; improve engine starting performance; comprehensively improve engine performance.In addition, The article considers variable compression ratio and supercharged combustion engine more suitable for the characteristics of the plateau, is worth studying .For the gasoline engine, in addition to some of the above common problems, but also pay attention to the improvement of carburetor And supercharging pressure control, deflagration and ignition system performance and other issues.
全国化氨站字(2008)07号各有关单位:为了全面总结氮肥企业在节能、安全、环保等方面的先进经验,全国化工合成氨设计技术中心站经中国石油和化工勘察设计协会批准, National
本文介绍了从日本引进的两种离合器试验——干式离合器试验台和油浸式离合器试验台。最后列出油浸式离合器试验台与按美国SAEJ286的2号试验台参数的对比表。 This article d