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东岳泰山,古称岱山、又名岱宗,为中国著名的五岳之首。1987年,联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会讨论通过将中国泰山列入世界自然遗产目录。这标志着泰山遗产纳入了世界重点保护单位的行列。这一事件本身的意义之大将远远超越人们的预料之外。其实,泰山不仅有独特的地貌形胜和自然风物,而且集中了众多的历史古迹,荟萃 Dongyue Taishan, the ancient name of Daishan, also known as Dai Zong, China’s famous head of the Five Sacred Mountains. In 1987, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee discussed the inclusion of Mount Tai in the World Natural Heritage Catalog. This marks the Taishan heritage included in the ranks of key protected units in the world. The significance of this incident itself will far exceed the expectations of the people. In fact, Taishan not only has a unique landscape shape and natural scenery, but also a large number of historical monuments, meta-
脑高灌注综合征(Cerebralhyperperfusion syndrome,CHS)常发生于颈动脉内膜切除术(carotidendarterectomy,CEA]后或颈动脉支架置入术(carotidartery stenting,CAS)后,系由原先低灌注区