ZigBee无线技术具有低功耗、低成本等诸多优点,很适合应用在控制类的家庭网络中。本系统在ARM9 STR912FW44X处理器上移植μCOS-Ⅱ操作系统和无线射频收发模块cc2430搭建网关开发平台。它很好地克服了传统网关架构下Zigbee传输速率的瓶颈,降低了资源和处理时间消耗,提高实时处理能力。通过验证,完全能够满足家庭网关的控制需求。
ZigBee wireless technology with low power consumption, low cost and many other advantages, it is suitable for use in the control of the home network. The system in the ARM9 STR912FW44X processor transplantation μCOS-Ⅱ operating system and RF transceiver module cc2430 build gateway development platform. It overcomes the bottleneck of Zigbee transmission rate under the traditional gateway architecture well, reduces resource and processing time consumption, and improves real-time processing capability. Through the verification, fully able to meet the control needs of the home gateway.