由河南济源市北行十多公里,便到了慕名已久的太行山五龙口风景区。进得山来放眼望去,却不是想象中的那般险峻峥嵘,也不见高高大大郁郁葱葱的树木,漫山遍野,只有深绿的野草和丛生的灌木还算茂盛。说实在的,若是单单为了“游山玩水”,这五龙口风景区并不是个理想的所在。 然而,这里只因有了成百上千的猴子腾跃其间,便显得灵动显得生机盎然起来。再加上十多年来,有位统帅群猴的“猴王”在此安营扎寨,把个猴家族治理得循规蹈矩、兴旺发达,游客至此,人猴同处,其乐无穷……
From Jizhen City, Henan Province, more than 10 kilometers northbound, then to the prestigious Taihang Mountain Wulongkou Scenic Area. Into the mountains to look around, but not so dangerous as imagined, nor the lush tall trees, mountains and plains, only the dark green weeds and clusters of shrubs fairly flourishing. To be honest, if only for “sightseeing”, this Wu Long Kou scenic area is not an ideal place. However, here only because there are hundreds of thousands of monkeys prance, it seems smart and vibrant up. Plus more than a decade, a commander in charge of Monkey “Monkey King” in camp here, the monkeys family governed properly, thriving developed, tourists so far, the monkey together, fun.