
来源 :文艺争鸣 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qaz1164
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底层文学自2004年前后发轫以来,许多中青年作家都介入进来,形成了一股底层文学创作的潮流。河南女作家乔叶也推出了关注底层的作品——长篇小说《我是真的热爱你》(长江文艺出版社,2004年)和短篇小说《良宵》(《人民文学》2008年第2期)。以女作家特有的细腻与敏感,乔叶聚焦于挣扎在都市边缘的底层女性,书写了社会转型期都市底层女性的生存苦难与精神救赎。 Since the bottom literature started to emerge in 2004, many young and middle-aged writers intervened to form a tide of the underlying literary creation. Qiao Ye, a woman writer in Henan Province, also launched a work that focuses on the ground floor - the novel “I really love you” (Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House, 2004) and the short story Good Night (People’s Literature, 2008, No.2) . With the delicate and sensitive characteristics of the female writers, Qiao Ye focuses on the bottom women struggling on the edge of the city and writes about the survival suffering and spiritual salvation of the urban women in the urban transformation.