
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:grandbill
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Rickettsia conorii is endemic in the Mediterranean region. Infections are mos tly benign and neurological involvement is unusual. We describe a case of a man who presented with acute facial nerve palsy followed by flaccid tetraparesis due to an electrophysiologically established polyneuritis with distal conduction fa ilure. Elevated IgM antibody titres for R. conorii were documented by indirect i mmunofluorescent antibody test. After doxycycline therapy, the patient presented a rapid clinical improvement. Repeated electrophysiological examinations reveal ed significantly restored compound muscles, and sensory action potentials, corre sponding to the clinical course after treatment and ex juvantibus, indicate the causative relation between R. conorii infection and the described clinical syndr ome. We describe a case of a man who presented with acute facial nerve palsy followed by flaccid tetraparesis due to an electrophysiologically established polyneuritis with distal conduction fa ilure. Rickettsia conorii is endemic in the Mediterranean region. Elevated IgM antibody titres for R. conorii were documented by indirect i mmunofluorescent antibody test. After doxycycline therapy, the patient presented a rapid clinical improvement. Repeated electrophysiological examinations reveal edly restored compound muscles, and sensory action potentials, corre sponding to the clinical course after treatment and ex juvantibus, indicate the causative relation between R. conorii infection and the described clinical syndr ome.
近日,在法国巴黎召开的国际尿失禁学会和泌尿妇产科学会联合会议上,英国 Derriford 医院的妇产科主任 Robert Freeman 医生报告说,应用大麻素治疗可有助于多发性硬化症(MS)
每天放学一进家门我就会喊:“妈妈,饭好了吗?”吃完饭我就会一抹嘴巴打开电视,事事不管,这成了我的习惯,妈妈常常为这事皱眉头。  有一次,吃晚饭的时候,妈妈向我提出了一个问题:“丽丽,你知道‘打工’是怎么回事吗?”“哦,知道!”我不但做了解释,还举例做了说明。“那妈妈聘你打工,怎么样?”我先是一惊,接着想了想,说:“行啊,干什么活,给多少钱?”“每天晚上吃完饭,帮妈妈刷碗,一次1元钱。”“不就是刷碗
我是一名守门员,负责把守球队的大门不被对手攻破。我为此感到责任重大。守门员是不容易受伤的,但其他队员经常受伤,这让我很难过。和爸爸一起看电视转播的足球赛时,我经常看到球员们在球场上痛苦地倒下。球员的伤痛不但影响了自己的健康,还让球队的阵容受到影响,影响球队的表现。我长大了想当一名医生,能够及时地治疗运动员的伤痛,让他们的梦想更加完美。  ——胡 舟  我的梦想是当一名职业球员,就像阿根廷的梅西和巴