利用生态浮床植物和鲢鳙对池塘养殖污染水体净化效果进行了研究. 结果表明:藻类代谢对地表水中DO和pH均产生影响. 藻类光合作用增加水体中含氧量,吸收二氧化碳影响水中碳酸及碳酸盐浓度平衡,导致水中pH 偏向碱性. 水体溶解氧增加,促进硝化反应,避免氨氮和亚硝态氮的积累. 生态浮床黄花鸢尾长势很好,它的生长有效控制了水体氮磷含量的进一步提高,对水体具有较强的去除氮磷能力. 鲢鳙摄食浮游生物等天然饵料,实现了水体氮磷转移,42. 67 kg渔获物,提取氮1 207. 5 g,剔除水体中氮0. 905 mg/L,提取磷88. 4 g,剔除水体中磷0. 066 mg/L,起到了净化水体作用. 试验证明:浮游植物、水生植物和鲢鳙对调控水域生态环境有着十分重要的作用.“,”Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus on algal growth and water environment factors were studied by using culture pond. The results show that the increase of nitrogen and phosphorus in water body promoted the growth and propagation of algae. Algal metabolism had effects on dissolved oxygen and pH value in water, and chlorophyll a showed a significantly positive correlation with dissolved oxygen and pH value. The increase of algal photosynthesis increased oxygen content in water body. Carbon dioxide absorption of algae had effects on the balance between carbonic acid and carbonate concentration in water, causing pH of water to be alkaline. Oxygen accelerated the nitrification and denitrification process, improving the growth of plants. Nitrogen 1 207. 5 g was extracted by 42. 67 kg silver carp and bighead carp and removing nitrogen 0. 905 mg/L from water, extracting 88. 4 g phosphorus and removing 0. 066 mg/L. It is proved that plankton, aquatic plants and fish play an important role in regulating ecological environment of water body.